Murmann Verlag

Leadership for Sustainable Futures (engl.)

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published in may, 2024. 224 pages
ISBN 978-3-86774-814-8

In today’s rapidly changing world, sustainability has emerged as a critical lens through which businesses evaluate their impact on the environment, society and the economy. The escalating polycrisis of rising global warming, depleted resources and unequal sharing of society’s wealth has made organisations recognise the importance of embedding sustainability into their operations, irrespective of the industrial sector in which they operate.

Leading this change is the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), whose role is to ensure that his or her company moves towards a sustainable future rather than taking a more risk-based approach, by changing its direction to one that sees opportunity rather than risks.
»Leadership for Sustainable Futures« is a collection of voices from leading European Chief Sustainability Officers and expert thought leaders. It is inspired by the Top 100 CSO Awards that are taking place each year at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 
The book aims to shine a light on the personal journey of the humans behind these leadership roles in large corporations and hopes to inspire more action and ambition towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Harald Neidhardt, CEO of Futur / io Institute, leads a renowned faculty and think-tank driving regenerative futures. With a background in digital media and advertising for brands like MoMa, Lufthansa and Hugo Boss, he has now dedicated himself to addressing climate change and promoting UN Sustainable Development Goals.
A frequent speaker at TEDX, COP26, and other global forums, Harald advises the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and the WEF (World Economic Forum), and has authored several books on innovation and sustainability.

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