Murmann Verlag

Bernd Ebersberger: The Future Flip-Book. 5 Million Innovations For A Better Tomorrow (engl. Version)

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published on March 26, 2024. 62 pages
ISBN 978-3-86774-795-0

The Future Flip-Book is a genuine innovation of the business book. The idea: Spark your own innovation impulse with a flip! How does it work? You flip through four stacks of cards and look for a combination of words that triggers and inspires what your next innovation could look like. In business, in everyday life, almost everywhere.

"The flip book offers five million ideas for innovation," says Bernd Ebersberger, Professor of Innovation at the renowned University of Hohenheim. It based on the analysis of over 3,000 innovations and insights from research in the fields of management, psychology and cognitive science.

More information at the Future Flip-Book landing page.

The Future Flip-Book is available in English and German.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Ebersberger is an innovation researcher. For over 25 years, he has been thinking, writing and speaking about how ideas, creativity and innovation can contribute to a desirable future. After holding positions at national and international research institutes and universities, he has been Professor of Innovation Management at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart since 2018. There he also heads the Inno-Greenhouse, the university's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Photo © Universität Hohenheim, Corinna Schmid

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